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What is a 'Danish team'?
3 out of 5 team members must either be Danish citizens or residents.
What info do I need to provide to register?
Just an alias and a team e-mail address where we can reach you if your team qualifies for the final.
My team has 37 members. Can we still play?
Yes... by registering (at least) 8 teams. But remember that you *must not* share flags between teams.
I don't have a team. Can I still play?
Yes. Just register a team for yourself. You will not receive bonus points for playing alone, though.
How do I know if my team is qualified for the final?
We will contact you directly on your registered team e-mail address.
ZOMG! Is last year's edition gone?!
Last year's edition can be found here:
What kind of challenges can I expect?
We strive to test players in a wide range of skills. Expect the usual categories: pwnable, reversing, web, crypto, etc.
How many challenges will there be?
Enough. Challenges will be available at the start of the competition and more will be opened progressively. It will *not* be announced beforehand when new challenges are available, nor how many there are in total.
What is the flag format?
flag{ascii range 0x20-0x7e inclusive, except 0x5c and 0x7d}
What kind of scoring do you use?
We use dynamic scoring. In FE-CTF each challenge belongs to a "series". Each card on the challenge board represents a series. A series can have a single challenge in it. Score calculation is as follows. Let
P=1000000P = 1'000'000
be the total number of points distributed across all teams (except maybe a few lost to rounding).
D=0.99D = 0.99
be a constant determining by how much points decay for each subsequent solve.
be the set of all teams.
be the set of series with at least one challenge solved by at least one team.
be the set of challenges in series ss solved by at least one team.
R(t,c)R(t, c)
be the ranking of team tt for challenge cc: 00 if tt got first blood, 11 if they solved cc second, etc., until \infty if team tt did not solve challenge cc.
be team xx's total score.
Where pp is defined as:
p(x)=sS,cC(s)PSC(s)DR(x,c)tTDR(t,c) p(x) = \sum_{s \in S, c \in C(s)} \left\lfloor \frac{P}{|S| \cdot |C(s)|} \cdot \frac{D^{R(x, c)}} {\sum_{t \in T} D^{R(t, c)}} \right\rfloor
I have a question which is not in the FAQ.
That is not really a question. But you're welcome to contact us with your question.
Is the event listed on CTFtime?
Yes and no. The qualifier is listed on CTFtime, but the final will *not* be listed, since it is only open to Danish teams.
Will you install a root kit on my computer if I play?
No. We will not release challenges containing malware.
Will I need real world 0-days to solve some of the challenges?
No. Some challenges *may* require real world exploits, but in those instances the vulnerablity(/ies) will be public knowledge.